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Chief Marketing Officer

Creative Director

Videographer and  Editor


Graphic Designer

Social Media Manager

Website Developer

salary of a marketing team









  • A Chief Marketing Officer is responsible for managing market research, the brand imaging of the company, the overall marketing team, the marketing budget, and evaluating marketing performance. 

    SpokoMedia offers access to skilled marketing experts who have their finger on the pulse of the latest digital marketing trends. We're able to carefully craft a strategy based on which social media platform and what types of content are currently going to give you the most reach and access to potential clients. 

    Because we're constantly on the lookout for what's next, we have the flexibility needed to adjust course as necessary, based on your goals or the digital marketing landscape. This also means we're able to find the most cost-effective marketing strategies, in addition to saving you the time and money of hiring an entire team for yourself. 

  • A Creative Director oversees the team of creatives listed below. They develop the overall vision for the pieces of creative that will accomplish the goals and objectives set out by the CMO. They ensure the creative outputs are consistent with the branding and messaging of the company, while managing the deadlines, budgets, and quality of the creative team.

    We have a variety of talented creative professionals, who work in tandem to stay in tune with your company's current branding or help you to devise a new brand. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality work consistent with both our client's branding and the latest post formats to ensure we exceed your expectations.

  • Videographers are responsible for capturing the video that will become videos and posts. The videographer/editor films the subjects, before importing and organizing the video clips, audio, music, and images that will become the final product. They then process all the raw material by editing it down to the correct framing, cadence, and length. Finally, they're able to layer in music, subtitles, and logos, and adjust various audiovisual levels and colour grading to ensure the right look before exporting the final project. 

    We have access to a variety of excellent videographers and video editors that do outstanding work with in-person interviews, "talking-head" videos, and product videography. While we know what types of videos and photos will work well on social media, we will also work closely with you to ensure that you're portraying in a way that you like and feel comfortable with. 

  • Copywriters take in data like the client's goals, target audience, brand voice, product or service and produce written elements for all media, like this paragraph. They craft words and sentences to convey the correct message, as clearly and concisely as possible. Then, they'll also adapt the copy as needed to specifically target different audiences on different platforms.

    Our copywriters work closely with you to find the exact levity, professionalism, or theme you're looking for before delivering. They are responsible for every word placed in a client video, graphic, or caption. We prefer it that way because our videographer no right good.

  • Graphic Designers work to understand the relevant target audience as well as the business to create works of art that appeal to the right people while conveying the right image. They're responsible for creating graphics for websites, logos, brochures, posters, and social media posts. They need to understand the principles of design using balance, colour theory, hierarchy, and alignment to their advantage to create visually appealing graphics that drive you toward your goals.

    Our Graphic Designers are our saviours. They create imaginative imagery that captures the eye and keeps our clients happy and looking for the next post. Whether it be image posts or graphic overlays for video, they come through every time.

  • Social Media Managers have their finger on the pulse of the internet. Posts to make you laugh, posts to make you cry, posts for you to learn something, it all needs to be in their wheelhouse. They understand the inner workings of the dreaded algorithms and can use them to your advantage. They also need to be able to respond to comments on your posts and direct messages to you in a timely and relevant matter. They analyze and report on the performance of posts, keeping you updated on how your campaign is doing.

    Our Social Media Managers have never met a challenge too big. They use state-of-the-art technology and tracking to get the most out of your posts and the data of your followers. They're constantly on their phones, and that's a good thing. They're the engine that drives our client's results, and we are eternally grateful that they've chosen us to work for.

  • Website developers aren't just nerds that sit in a dark room coding (they may have made us write that). They need to be able to take a vision and turn it into reality. They need to understand not just the brand and what it stands for, but the customer and the journey that a website takes them on. They need to be able to predict, and then track, where someone's cursor will go. They then need to be able to use the latest technology to make the dream a reality. 

    Well, you're on our website right now, what do you think of our website developers? We think they're great!

The services of all these people, for less than the price of one.

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